I would say that makes me feel old, but I can say it doesn't since I was a sophmore in college when Kelsey was born. ;)
Congratulations you three! I love you!
In memory of Doretha Coley, a parent of one of our third grade students who lost her fight with cancer earlier this school year, the JES Tropical Heroes Relay for Life team would like to
"LIGHT UP THE TRACK for Doretha"
with luminaries at the Relay for Life event on May 21st at the
We would like as many as possible of our
We are also selling luminaries in honor and memory of other cancer patients, if you would like to purchase one for another person.
Luminaries are $5.00 a piece, and you may either fill out the form below and return it with your money by May 21st 2010 or go online by May 17th 2010 to relayforlife.org/twiggsga and search for a team: JES Tropical Heroes.
Thank you for your support!
Luminaria Order Form
Hundreds of candles lighting the night at Twiggs County High School Track- each one
a tribute to a loved one. The Luminaria Ceremony will begin at dark - around 9 pm - on
Friday, May 21.
The traditional luminaria may be purchased for $5 each Complete the form and mail
this card and your donation to: Jeffersonville Elementary or purchase online at www.relayforlife.org/twiggsga.
Donated by: _________________ Team: _________________ Phone#: ____________
Honoree Name: Traditional Luminaria ($5)
In Honor In Memory
_____________________________________________ _ _
_____________________________________________ _ _
_____________________________________________ _ _
_____________________________________________ _ _
If you can spare a minute, please say a prayer and send out positive thoughts to Ms. Lou, our neighbor, and favorite Huddle House waitress.
I just heard that she was taken to the hospital this morning after having a heart attack. I know that they have done surgery, and she is out of that, but no other details.
Just in case you have not seen this one....
Happy Teacher Appreciation week!
What Teachers Make, or
Objection Overruled, or
If things don't work out, you can always go to law school
By Taylor Mali
He says the problem with teachers is, "What's a kid going to learn
from someone who decided his best option in life was to become a teacher?"
He reminds the other dinner guests that it's true what they say about
Those who can, do; those who can't, teach.
I decide to bite my tongue instead of his
and resist the temptation to remind the other dinner guests
that it's also true what they say about lawyers.
Because we're eating, after all, and this is polite company.
"I mean, you¹re a teacher, Taylor," he says.
"Be honest. What do you make?"
And I wish he hadn't done that
(asked me to be honest)
because, you see, I have a policy
about honesty and ass-kicking:
if you ask for it, I have to let you have it.
You want to know what I make?
I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could.
I can make a C+ feel like a Congressional medal of honor
and an A- feel like a slap in the face.
How dare you waste my time with anything less than your very best.
I make kids sit through 40 minutes of study hall
in absolute silence. No, you may not work in groups.
No, you may not ask a question.
Why won't I let you get a drink of water?
Because you're not thirsty, you're bored, that's why.
I make parents tremble in fear when I call home:
I hope I haven't called at a bad time,
I just wanted to talk to you about something Billy said today.
Billy said, "Leave the kid alone. I still cry sometimes, don't you?"
And it was the noblest act of courage I have ever seen.
I make parents see their children for who they are
and what they can be.
You want to know what I make?
I make kids wonder,
I make them question.
I make them criticize.
I make them apologize and mean it.
I make them write, write, write.
And then I make them read.
I make them spell definitely beautiful, definitely beautiful, definitely
over and over and over again until they will never misspell
either one of those words again.
I make them show all their work in math.
And hide it on their final drafts in English.
I make them understand that if you got this (brains)
then you follow this (heart) and if someone ever tries to judge you
by what you make, you give them this (the finger).
Let me break it down for you, so you know what I say is true:
I make a goddamn difference! What about you?
The Department of Defense has announced the death of Airman 1st Class Austin H. Gates Benson, who was deployed to Afghanistan with the 54th Communications Squadron.
Gates Benson was stationed at Robins Air Force Base. He died Monday, and the death was termed “noncombat related” in a Pentagon news release late Tuesday.