Last Wednesday after school I drove about 6 hours northwest to Huntsville Alabama to the US Space and Rocketry Center/Space Camp. I had an absolutely amazing time, some of which is hard to even think about putting into words. We had the opportunity to participate in many of the activities that the campers enjoy when they attend Space Camp. Plus we got to go "behind the scenes" for just that little bit extra. I am going to have to break my trip into several posts over several days, because there really was just too much to try and put into one post. I hope everyone tuned into the movie A Smile As Big As The Moon last night on ABC, if I hear about it being online or returning to tv I will let everyone know for those that may have missed it. You do not want to miss it!
Thursday morning I woke up to the pouring rain and wondered which of the weather spirits I have made mad that my second Tweetup would also be a very rainy tweetup?!? At least this one nothing could be delayed because of the rain (well except SCUBA, if it started lightening).
Walking in the gift shop to go and check in this work of art was there to greet us.
We then went with our Tweep extraordinaire Charity @SpaceCampUSA upstairs in the building to our Charging Station, and this was our sight upon coming out the door.

The Underwater Astronaut Trainer, and that is when I knew dreams really did come true.
The other view

I mean really could it get any better?
And the view behind us....
After dropping off our belongings we went to explore the museum for a little bit before we got started. Rock climbing on Mars.

Piloting the sims

Then we got down to business and had our introductions

And we were off!
Group photo

Our mission briefing for Friday's orbital missions

Next we headed for the 1/6th gravity chair

Oh it was so much fun!!!
And the MultiAxis Trainer

, honestly as long as you don't move your head you don't feel dizzy when you get off.
After dinner we had our time in the Underwater Astronaut Trainer, aka SCUBA

When our group was done with the UAT the other group went in, and we went to the Dr. Von Braun exhibit.

Follow me on Twitter at!/scienceesl