Saturday, July 28, 2012
Dear NBC, you have messed up the London 2012 Olympics
I am writing this blog post to express my extreme displeasure at the coverage of the London 2012 Olympic games.
First of all, I understand that there is a 5 hour time difference from London to the East Coast, however this time difference SHOULD have worked in your favor, you have chosen to make it work against you!
Last night at the Opening Ceremony was a perfect example. In a perfect world, NBC would have shown the Opening Ceremony LIVE on one of their multitude of networks, and then shown a tape delayed replay during prime time for the people that wanted to watch it but didn't have DVR, or forgot to record it on the main NBC stations. This would have eliminated the spoilers that went out via twitter, facebook, and even rival networks. PLUS it would have allowed those of us on the East Coast to go to bed at a decent hour, rather than MIDNIGHT when the TAPE DELAYED ceremony ended.
Then we have to look at the tribute to the July 7, 2005 victims that NBC chose to cut from the stateside broadcast. WHY was this tribute cut? I have yet to find a good explanation. I have looked, and everything that I have seen sounds really really LAME!
Now we are on to Saturday, the first real big day of the games. This morning I woke up looking forward to watching all of the events that I could. I tuned in early and started watching. How disappointing it was to discover that the events that I would have loved to watch on tv were not going to be broadcast live. WAIT A MINUTE? Not broadcast live? I am going to have to once again stay up late to watch the Olympics that were on this afternoon for goodness sake? Oh and the excitement of Ryan Lochte winning the 400 IM relay? I learned all about it. Not on NBC, not on MSNBC, but on Twitter, and Yahoo. Why? Because NBC chose to tape delay it. I know I could have watched it on my computer, but it is not the same!
I would like to know why I could watch Women's Basketball, on three stations at the same time at one point today? Yes, I know it was three seperate matches, but if you can flip between two sports on one station, then you can flip between three games on another! I like basketball as much as anyone else, but there were several sports being played today that got ZERO attention while women's basketball dominated three channels. Those other athletes worked just as hard if not harder than the basketball teams (none of which were the American team at the time I turned to ESPN), and those other athletes deserved just as much attention!
To top off the ridiculousness that is the broadcast in prime time tonight was Bob Costas comment at the top of the broadcast. He promised NO SPOILERS! Oh my! We will watch and discover who won with the rest of the world! Not so fast Bob! Every other media outlet in the world beat you to the punch, and we all know that Ryan Lochte won, and Michael Phelps, the unbeatable, was beaten and didn't even medal.
I understand wanting to show the big events in prime time, and during the week, I will even be very glad that they are doing it. But over the weekend? At least give us the opportunity to watch the events live as they happen without having to use our computers to do so.
NBC, not that you care what I, a teacher in Georgia, an Air Force Wife, and a mother of three thinks, but I think you have dropped the ball BIG time!
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Friday, July 27, 2012
Fw: Georgia Educators Begin Teaching Common Core Georgia Performance Standards This School Year
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From: <>;
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Subject: Georgia Educators Begin Teaching Common Core Georgia Performance Standards This School Year
Sent: Thu, Jul 26, 2012 7:53:52 PM
Georgia Educators Begin Teaching Common Core Georgia Performance Standards This School Year
MEDIA CONTACT: Matt Cardoza, GaDOE Communications Office, (404) 651-7358, Dorie Turner Nolt, GaDOE Communications Office, (404) 656-5594, - Follow us on Twitter and Facebook
July 26, 2012 – Educators across Georgia will begin teaching the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) in mathematics, English language arts, as well as literacy in science, social studies, and technical subjects, when they return to school this year.
The CCGPS are part of the Common Core State Standards, a state-led initiative developed two years ago in conjunction with the National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). The goal is to establish a uniform set of expectations for what students will learn no matter where they attend school and to ensure that students are ready for college and careers after high school graduation.
“These standards will better prepare our students for success beyond high school and allow us to see how we measure up against other states,” said State School Superintendent Dr. John Barge. “Also, because we are such a transient society, these standards can help ensure some level of consistency in what is taught from state to state.”
The standards have been adopted by 46 states, the U.S. Department of Defense’s education programs and three U.S. territories. Georgia formally adopted the standards in July 2010.
In Georgia, educators have been training on the new standards since March 2011. The GaDOE has offered numerous resources, both online and in person, throughout the state.
School administrators from across the state will gather at the Centreplex in Macon on July 31 for a summit on Common Core. Speakers at the summit will include Bill McCallum, head of the University of Arizona’s mathematics department and a lead author on the math standards. It also will include Cheryl Dunkle, president of the Colorado Association of Elementary School Principals.
For Georgia teachers and students, the move to CCGPS won’t create drastic changes because the state’s curriculum already closely matched the standards outlined in the Common Core.
Below are some examples of changes students will see under Common Core: * Third-graders will learn how to multiply and divide large numbers. They also will learn the function of adverbs, which was previously taught in fourth and fifth grade. * Fourth-graders will tackle adding and subtracting fractions, which was not taught until fifth-grade under the former curriculum. * Eighth-graders will be taught the Pythagorean Theorem, rather than learning the concept in ninth-grade. * Under Georgia Performance Standards, students were taught pronoun-antecedent agreement in seventh-grade. Common Core will teach that grammar rule in third-grade.
Explore more about the CCGPS at the links below:
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Thursday, July 19, 2012
The Swanson in Perry, Georgia
I was in Perry, Georgia for a Common Core Standards training at the Board Of Education there, and didn't really feel like heading out to the interstate area for fast food, so I headed to downtown Perry. Oh boy was I glad that I did. I came across The Swanson right on the corner of Caroll Street, and thought why not. There were quite a few people in there for a Wednesday at lunch time, but I was seated right away and helped almost immediately, which was wonderful since I had less than an hour by this time to eat. My food also came out very quickly, in fact I had enough time after eating to explore downtown Perry and check out the teacher supply store that is there, after I ate.
I really wish I had thought to take a picture of my plate when it came and tweeted it so that you all could see it! I ordered their chicken salad platter, and it was so filling, and absolutely delicious! There was a generous helping of chicken salad, two huge slices of tomato, a sliced hard boiled egg, and a couple of watermelon slices on top of a slice of lettece. The chicken salad had small slices of the sweetest apples in it, just writing about it is making me want to go back tomorrow! ;-)
The best part? The price! For a sit down meal, that was very filling and in a great atmosphere I only spent $10.36 before tip.
If you are in Perry for any reason at lunch time I highly recommend going to The Swanson, you will not be disappointed
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Thursday, July 12, 2012
Monday, July 09, 2012
Sunday, July 08, 2012
Happy Anniversary!!!

From Blogger Pictures |

Saturday, July 07, 2012
Perry Independence Day Parade.
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Friday, July 06, 2012
Thursday, July 05, 2012
The Voice Season Two Contestant Angie Johnson In Warner Robins
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Wednesday, July 04, 2012
Independence Day At Rock Ranch
The rest of the family went on the pedal cars while I cheered them on. (No Natalie and Jerry were not the only big kids out there!)
One of the archery groups had a set up.
DJ's favorite part is riding the miniature railroad around the edge of the property.
Airplane parade
Mr. Dan Cathy, son of the founder T. Cathy playing the National Anthem right before the fireworks on his trumpet.
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