Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Robins Medical Clinic stinks!

I am very dissatisfied with the medical clinics on base here at Robins.

Yesterday late afternoon after the clinics had closed for the day, I recieved two phone calls telling me that both my son, and I were needed for shots at the base clinic.

Today I drove 25 miles with all three of my children to the base, only to be told that they ran out of the shots yesterday afternoon, before the system called me.

This is the third time this fall that this has happened to us. I was told by the clinic to see about taking them off base to get their shots, however this will take what amounts to an act of Congress.

I called no fewer than 10 doctors off base, only to be told that they would only give my children the vaccine if my children were active members of their practices. Unlike what Tricare told me that they may say we needed to do an office visit, and in order for that to happen we would need a refferal from their PCM. The PCM who by the way in 2 years of us being stationed at Robins has never seen my children, because there is never any appointments available. My middle child had to wait 2 weeks to get an appointment with her PCM this summer, and in two years that was only her second appointment on base. My youngest child and myself have both only ever been seen on base twice since coming to Robins, and my oldest has never been seen at Robins, because we can never get an appointment. Oh and asking out PCM for a referral, that supposedly we should be able to have in a matter of hours, (up to 48) has taken us up to ten days to get.

Tricare has no solutions for anyone other than to change to Tricare standard and pay the huge co-pays off base. It is obvious to me that the Air Force and Robins in general no longer cares for the military family, and the costs that you are forcing us to pay because of lack of planning on their part!!

I hope anyone else coming to Robins realizes this is going to be a huge problem, and changes to Tricare Standard before coming. Because I can tell you from experience that you can never get an appointment on base for your family!

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