Wednesday, September 10, 2008

People worry me

I was accused of being a racist this past week.

Something that I have not been accused of since I was 10 years old, and Mrs. Jackson told my mom that the reason I was doing poorly was that I was a racist.

This time it hurt a whole lot more.

And still was not true.


Kim said...

Many hugs to you!

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

My mother-in-law accused me of this a couple months back... even though I'm married to her son... who is Mexican. @@ People worry me too. I'm sorry you were hurt!

Anonymous said...

Sucks. Remember that those who know you, know better, and anyone else is telling you more about themselves than about you when they make accusations and blanket statements.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry this has happened....I'll tell you something...My mom has been accused of this mom who married my dad in the early 80's in Arkansas...people don't always know what they are talking about and they use that to put you in an awkard position...and to get "special" privilages.

Wendy said...

That sucks, Patty. It's also complete BS. Seems like someone thought the best defense was a good offense. Never mind that it was just offensive.