Thursday, February 17, 2011

I am a teacher. I am not the problem. Our retirement fund lost billions in Wall Street speculations that went awry. Your community's school teachers, librarians, firefighters, police, street & highway workers, & others are NOT the enemy. We live here, pay taxes, work hard, & are trying to support our families, too. We don't get paid big bucks. Stand up for what is right! If you agree, please copy & repost.

I am a teacher. I am not the problem. Our retirement fund lost billions in Wall Street speculations that went awry. Your community's school teachers, librarians, firefighters, police, street & highway workers, & others are NOT the enemy. We live here, pay taxes, work hard, & are trying to support our families, too. We don't get paid big bucks. Stand up for what is right! If you agree, please copy & repost.

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