$40 for gas
$20 for food
The look on the kids faces? Priceless
The weekend of the Kobalt 500 I was lucky enough to find last minute tickets to the race. A family in Atlanta could not attend at the last minute and had tickets that they had gotten at a really good deal. They listed them on craigslist, I called really figuring they would be gone, but the gal still had them, and since I was the first person to say I would come get them, I got them. At a steal, and even better of a steal than advertised due to the fact that I said something about Jerry having to work the day of the race on base.
$100 a seat tickets, that I picked up for $100 total. The only catch was that I had to drive to north Atlanta to pick them up. I thought I would never get there! lol Only because I had never been out north of Atlanta on I-85 before, so I wasn't sure what I was looking for.
Sunday morning the kids and I got up early, packed up lunches and headed north, arriving at the track just in time for the Twitter meetup put on by Jeff Gluck, meaning we got to meet Landon Cassil, which was pretty neat. DJ wouldnt have his picture done with the Sprint Cup girl so I had to. lol
We really had a great time, DJ even managed to get a nap in during the race (I rented the scanner because they gave you a second set of headphones, which he used like ear defenders).
Did I mention we had great seats?
Because we did, we really really did!
Traffic coming home wasn't all that bad either, we managed to get out of the race, and home in under 2 hours, so no complaints from me! (Of course I parked off property, but I don't think it would have been any worse parking on property!)
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