Lets just say last night I was not a shining example of motherhood and leave it at that. Blame it on stress, from working all weekend (by the way I gave my notice at Lowes!! Anyone else want to celebrate on the 16th with me? Seeing how thats the first Saturday I don't have to work?), and feeling like I was 100% not ready for today. My own children took the brunt of it, I felt like crap after it was said and done, but it doesnt change it.
Today went as smoothly as could be expected.
Jerry rode out with us to school, so that he could see where the schools were. He drove the girls over to their school and walked them in to make sure they were ok. Then came back over and had breakfast with DJ and took him to his class.
By the way did I mention that breakfasts and lunch are free for all students in the county I am teaching in?
I had students arriving in my room within minutes of my arrival at 705, that part was a bit rough, because I could not get copies made, and I had them straight through until 3:15 when we put them on the bus.
We played the name game with a beach ball, which went well.
We did some basic math practice problems, which didn't go as well for some of the students, we are going back to the basics with some of them!
I read part of Ramona the Pest to them.
We played outside for about 10 minutes, then it was too hot. Plus the only equipment we had were my clever catch ball, and a beach ball. Not so good. I need to find our soccer balls and take them out to play with.
We came up with our class rules, I had them be a part of the process, so they could own the rules. I think it went well. They really struggle with being quiet in the halls, and we had some bathroom issues with them wanting to go all the time, so we have to work on that routine.
Tomorrow we will start in the reading book and math book because we need to get into that part of the routine.
I did start them on their home journals today. Just a brief note home today saying that they needed to read tonight, and how their day went. Hopefully they will all remember to show their parents. Stickers will be out in force tomorrow for the ones that come back signed. I want the journals to work, and I want the parents to know to look for them. Since I didn't get copies made its all on the kids tonight. EEEKKKK
As for my own kids, they all had very good days! Thank goodness!
Both of the girls like most of their classes, but especially science.
Kelsey has two science classes this semester because they are on a block schedule, so she only has 4 classes total. She will change next semester. She also has already talked to the coaches about video taping for the teams.
Natalie really likes her band class, and says everyone is nice.
When I ran downt to check on DJ at lunch (when the Media Specialist watched my class) the parapro said he was having a good day, just a bit talkative. Thats my kid all right.
Outside my door

DJ the other day

This was 615 this morning, and he was already being silly

Who told her she could grow up?

Awww theres my little girl

I tell you he would not stop with the silly faces

So we stopped taking his

I will celebrate with you on the 16th by going to the Kid Rock and Lynard Skynard concert.
Sounds like everyone had a great first day!
Yea!!!!!!!!! no more Lowes!!! i'd so celebrate with you. I think thats are churches back to school party so as we are swimming I'll be thinking no more LOwes!! ok, not as fun as Kim will be having!!!!!
I bet after a few days those kids will lose that new school excitement and get into the routine.
free lunches. I so wish it was free here. I hate to think how much we are going to spend this year.
I wish all kids had free lunches here also. We are going to spend a fortune on lunches alone!
It sounds busy....when did Kelsey grow up....and why doesn't she smile in pics?? Natalie is grown too....why'd you let them do that?
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