I decided this past week, after a faculty meeting that I needed to make some changes in my classroom.
Our principal was praising us on our beautiful our classrooms look, as far as decorations, and arrangements of everything. But then she asked that we try to work at keeping our desks cleared off. Our own teacher desks that is.
I have realized over that past several weeks, that my desk has become a catch all. If it gets handed to me, it went on my desk until I had time to deal with it. Some times getting burried for a week or more, because I just never sit at my desk.
Literally. I never ever sit at that desk. I was looking for a form that I needed to fill out and turn in on Thursday, and it was burried. When I was frustrated because I knew it had to be there, one of my girls even said, "Wow Mrs. C, I think thats the first time I have seen you sit at your desk, in your chair."
Yeah, changes needed to be made.
And not the changes where I am sitting down at a desk either.
Don't get me wrong I do sit during the day. Its just not that often. I will sit on a student desk, or in a student chair off and on all day, especially during read alouds.
On Friday, I decided to get rid of my teacher desk, and started cleaning it out. By 4:30, it was GONE!
It took a lot of rearranging of other things in my room, mostly the shelving unit behind where my desk was at, as that is now where I have the things that I looked for most often.
Man talk about a different room! The kids are not going to know what to think when they come in on Monday!
I moved my filing cabinet, and helpers chart as well, and on Monday morning I want to go early enough to rearrange the student desks to utilize that new space. We should be able to walk around know without running each other over! Plus now I should be able to bring in my rocking chair and put it in the library area to sit in during the read alouds.