Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Kelsey's 60 day results
I am going to brag on my oldest here for a minute. She started Max 30 with me the second week of January. She has lost 14.5 inches! I am so proud of her!

Thursday, March 19, 2015
I finally did it!
I finally Maxed Out!
30 minutes of nonstop Shaun T kicking my ass, but I did it.
Kelsey may have done it first by maxing out on Tuesday, but now I can say I did it too!
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Oh Happy Day!!!
Magnet school acceptance letters were released this evening!
And this kid, well this was his reaction to his:
Declan will be going to the ZooBots Magnet program at Longleaf Middle School next year!
He is extremely happy as you can see. This was the only program that he applied to, as it was the only one that interested him other than other program at Longleaf, which is LEAP and is a whole school magnet.
Since we are zoned for Longleaf he would have gotten into that one regardless, but he really really wanted ZooBots.
From the school's website: The ZooBot magnet program provides opportunities for students to explore the natural world, develop an appreciation and respect for living things and the environment, and make a difference for future generations.Amazing news number 2:
Kelsey Marie Henderson has been working her tail off on Insanity Max 30 for the last 2 months or so. Tonight on Tabata Power? She MAXED OUT! This is a HUGE DEAL! I have yet to MAX out on any of the workouts. I am so proud of her.
Lisa and I did Tabata Power this afternoon after school. We didn't make it quite as far as Kelsey, but man we tried! 24:16 isn't bad at all!
After I got home and made dinner I went on a 4 mile walk, hitting my step goal of 20,000 steps for the second night in a row. I had been doing really well about hitting my goal every day, right up until I got sick with the stomach flu. Then I felt like I had no energy for the last two weeks. But now I am getting back on track, I am aiming for 21 days in a row of 20,000 steps to make it a habit.
Kelsey and I are looking for people who want to love the body they have now and work for the body they want. Drop your favorite emoji in the comments if you want me to message you.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Whew what a busy couple of days!
First up is my "I am jealous of all of my Rock-n-Roll half marathoner friends who are running in DC" face.
I was jealous something fierce on Friday.
Then I learned that the weather there was just as bad as the weather here on Saturday. I didn't feel quite as jealous after that!
A fellow runner/walker on Facebook mentioned how if you duct tape your shoes they stay a dry. I figured with the rain in the forecast for yesterday, why not? It works, BTW!
My amazing coach, Kimberly, and I running the Get to the Green 10K. She snapped this picture as she lapped us.
Confession time! Lisa and I were late getting to the start line due to the weather and traffic. So we only did the 5K. I made up for the other 5K later though.
Kimberly and I post race! I am forever grateful to the Wear Blue: Run to Remember organization for introducing me to this wonderful lady! She waited on the killer hill last weekend during the half to cheer me on, and this weekend was going to wait at the start line until we got there, but I am glad she started on time.
For those of you that were spacing out yesterday... Yesterday was the only time in our lifetimes that the perfect Pi day was going to happen.
March 14, 2015 at 9:26 a.m.
Declan's ELA teacher did an entire lesson based on it.
So we bought Key Lime pie and took it to Lisa's house to share with her kids.
Tomorrow I am taking my workout gear and my Max 30 Cardio Challenge DVD to school. We are going to get our workout on while the kids have clubs! .jpg)
get to the green,
pi day
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Just feeling blah here tonight.
Frustrated and tired.
I had a presentation at work today. I hate talking to adults. Give me little people and I can talk my head off, but a room full of adults? YUCK. But I did it.
I got my workout in. Tabata Strength, Max out at 17:21. But I'm not back to wear I was before I got sick, and it's frustrating me.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
What's your passion?
Everyone has a passion. There is something that you do something in your life for.
You may not call it, your passion, but I am pretty sure when you stop to think about it, you have at least one.
Over the last few years my passion has become walking/running. I started walking/running because I wanted to participate in the Pat's Run shadow run in Atlanta a few years ago and didn't want to embarrass myself by not being able to go the 4.2 miles. I was one of the last to finish but I did it.
Now I run with the Wear Blue Run to Remember group honoring Pat's memory and the memory of Elieso Felix who I went to church with growing up and who was KIA in Desert Storm. When I get frustrated or tired I remind myself of them and the fact that they gave all so that we can be free.
I also run with Team RWB who works towards enriching the lives of Veterans.
Both groups are pretty darn amazing and doing amazing work, and I am really glad that I found them, and can be a member.
My passion is for spreading the word about Wear Blue and Team RWB.
I've been developing another passion in the last six months.
I've developed a passion for getting fit, for loosing this weight and becoming a healthier person.
Working out with first PiYo, then 21 Day Fix, and now Insanity Max 30 have made me stronger, and leaner. I love the results that I am getting.
If I can share this new passion with someone then that is great. If it's not for them, that's fine too.
Crazy faces in my pictures and all
But this is my passion, and I am not going to let someone take it away from me.
If you don't like the person I am becoming, then it's your problem not mine.
If you want to learn more about what I am doing to become fit?
Ask, I'll be glad to talk to you about it.
But don't judge.
Don't talk to me about not spending time with my kids. I promise you it's not taking any more time away from my kids than it does for you to check your email, or play Candy Crush.
Don't talk down to me about the money you think I am spending. Ask me about how to afford it for yourself, and I'll tell you where the savings for me and my family has come in. I promise there are ways. It took me a few months to see that I wasn't really out anything, but now that I do? Yeah I'm good.
Don't talk to me about injuries that could happen. Those same injuries that you say you know someone got from doing one of these workouts?
I've heard all about them.
It's why you follow doctor's advice.
It's why I started with PiYo and got my strength up.
It's why I do the modifiers on Max 30 (the separate modifier version of the workouts is part of the reason why I like it so much!) If you can't do the workout, then it's not for you, that's fine, but don't tell me what I can't do. You're not me.
If you're reading this and your thinking "Hey if Patty can do it so can I!" and you want to know more, then ask. If not then thanks for sticking it out and reading this....
I'm going to share my journey, I am going to keep on sharing it until I'm done... because this is my space, my place, and this place holds me accountable, if only to myself.
It's my passion...
Monday, March 09, 2015
Ouch! But GOOD NEWS!
My quads are screaming at me still after those hills on Saturday! So I went into my Max Cardio Fit Test like this:
But I finished like this:
Not as good of a max out time as I would have liked, but I pushed play and I tried!
OH MY GOSH! I knew I had a PR on Saturday, but the official times came out today... and instead of the 30 seconds or so that I thought I had?!? Try over 1 min 30 seconds! BOOM! Totally had to share here.
Sunday, March 08, 2015
Run Hard Half Marathon DONE!
Oh the hills, and hills, and hills! But you know what? We did it!
See that up there? That's the elevation map that my Garmin made while I was running. Holy Hills! Thank goodness my friends Nancy and Kim were cheering us on about mile 11. I am not sure why but mile 11 always seems to be my wall.
My overall average pace was a little slower than I would have liked (I aim for under 14 minute miles) but considering the hills, I am not complaining.
Kim took this picture of Lisa and I attacking the hill. I was so happy to see them, and extra happy to get this picture on my time line this morning. :-)
There is no better feeling after a race than seeing this pop up on your Garmin. Fastest HALF means Personal Record! ;-) I know that there are people who ran the full yesterday in less time than it took me to do the half. But you know what? I don't care I am getting faster each and every time I do one and that is all I care about.
Lisa and I post race.
Backwards look at our medals. ;-) Stairs hurt today or I'd go take a regular picture for you all.
The wonderful Team RWB group of runners from yesterday. At least 4 of these wonderful people ran the full. And then some of us went out to dinner last night to celebrate.
Friday, March 06, 2015
Day Sixty One Results
OK this is a little scary, but I've been sharing all along so I might as well share this. Here it is, my day sixty-one weigh in. Not quite as good as my other weigh ins, but not too bad considering I didn't do a Max 30 workout in 12 days, and hadn't met my step goal in 10 days.
Total weight loss in 61 days 11 pounds. Plus 5 inches.
I'm pretty proud of myself and my hard work and it is paying off!
I can't wait to see what the next 54 days have in store (since I'm on day 4 of round two, and didn't really complete round one).
I'm going to start a challenge group on Facebook if anyone is interested in starting this journey with me, just send me a message.
I went downtown tonight to pick up my race packet for tomorrow's half marathon and then went and had appetizers with Stefanie. There was a beautiful sunset. The colors were amazing.
Flat Patty is ready to run tomorrow! If you are in the Columbia area come downtown about 10-10:30 and cheer us onto the finish! ;-) We might be slow but we get the job done!
Thursday, March 05, 2015
Well fiddlesticks
So I know I said progress pictures today....
Well I fibbed! :( I didn't know I was fibbing at the time I did it though. It's just that I overslept today. Only by about 5 minutes but that was enough to make me stressed out, which in turn made me forget that I was supposed to weigh in and do my measurements and pictures to send to my coach. I literally remembered when I was on Post going to work. Not a good time to remember, let me tell you!
So I will do them tomorrow and they will just be day 61 results rather than day 60. Life happens....
Today was Tabata Strength, which is month one of Max 30, day 4. Honestly this is one of my favorite workouts during month one. I am not sure why, it just is. Normally I would have pushed further than minute 9 (because let's face it 8:59 is 9) but with the half marathon on Saturday I figured it was better to stop and not be sore going into that.
Then the exciting news for the day was my email with this pretty picture in it! #runCMM is coming and I can't wait to earn this bad boy! Isn't it pretty?
I promise I will share my progress pictures tomorrow. Cross your fingers for me!
Well I fibbed! :( I didn't know I was fibbing at the time I did it though. It's just that I overslept today. Only by about 5 minutes but that was enough to make me stressed out, which in turn made me forget that I was supposed to weigh in and do my measurements and pictures to send to my coach. I literally remembered when I was on Post going to work. Not a good time to remember, let me tell you!
So I will do them tomorrow and they will just be day 61 results rather than day 60. Life happens....
Today was Tabata Strength, which is month one of Max 30, day 4. Honestly this is one of my favorite workouts during month one. I am not sure why, it just is. Normally I would have pushed further than minute 9 (because let's face it 8:59 is 9) but with the half marathon on Saturday I figured it was better to stop and not be sore going into that.
Then the exciting news for the day was my email with this pretty picture in it! #runCMM is coming and I can't wait to earn this bad boy! Isn't it pretty?
I promise I will share my progress pictures tomorrow. Cross your fingers for me!
Wednesday, March 04, 2015
I forgot
I forgot how hard Shaun T's Max 30 Sweat was in month one! Can I just say I was happy to make it to minute 8?
Tomorrow is day 60 of my challenge group and our last weigh in/measurement day. I am sad to see it come to an end, as they have all kept me motivated to work out each day and to eat right. I'll share my progress photos and scale photos tomorrow night, as long as everyone promises to remember that I took a week off when I was sick. :-)
Tuesday, March 03, 2015
Knocking out another Round...
Slowly but surly I am feeling better after last week's stomach flu. With having over a week off due to traveling to WDW and then being sick, I decided to stop Month 2 of Insanity Max 30 a week early and go back to Month 1. The normal rule of thumb is the second round concentrate on form, so that is what I'm doing. Shaun T is still kicking my ass though!
So without further ado: Round 2, Week 1 Day 2 Tabata Power: I Maxed Out at 11:54. I was a hot sweaty mess when I was done!
So without further ado: Round 2, Week 1 Day 2 Tabata Power: I Maxed Out at 11:54. I was a hot sweaty mess when I was done!
Thursday morning is the last weigh in day of my 60 day challenge group. I am hoping that evening to be sharing an impressive scale picture, even though I had the week off. Have I mentioned lately how happy I am that I made the decision to purchase this program and challenge pack? It has made such a difference in my energy and fitness levels.
Tomorrow at school is sports jersey day for Read Across America week. So you all know I am going to be representing my kid Queze! Borrowing Declan's jersey and hat to make the outfit complete. Maybe I'll buy myself a jersey this coming season. ;-)
Monday, March 02, 2015
Starting again....
I wont say starting over, because I'm not really. I am starting again. After being sick for a week I decided that instead of doing the last week of month 2 of Insanity Max 30, I would start over with month 1 week 1. So for Round 2 Month 1 Week 1 Day 1 Cardio Challenge I Maxed out at 8:53
I love this program! And Beachbody just announced that if you are a paid Team Beachbody paid member the videos are now on-demand. Depending on which workouts you are doing, you don't have to haul your dvds on vacation or work trips any more! If you are a member you now have access to all of the programs. This is still in the beta stage so there will be kinks but from what I have seen so far, it's great.
All you have to do to get a month free of the Team Beachbody is buy a challenge pack with one of the workout programs (I recommend PiYo as a great starting place) and Shakeology on home direct. Then after that it's billed every 3 months.
Questions? Ask! I promise I wont pester you about ordering anything, but I would love for you to join me on this journey.
Sunday, March 01, 2015
Exercise, clean eating, accountability group
The month of traveling and then being sick this last week have done my miles in. frown emoticon I have 83 miles for the month, instead of the 125 I planned. I haven't hit my Fitbit goal since last Saturday. And I am starting over on my Insanity Max: 30 on Monday morning with week 1 because by then it will have been 15 days since I last did a Shaun T work out. I'm still on target for my weight loss goals probably because I haven't really eaten since we left Florida. wink emoticon
If anyone is interested I'll create an accountability/cheerleading group here on Facebook where we can all share our step goals, workouts, eating habits, meal ideas, frustrations etc without any pressure. Just let me know if you would like to join and I'll create it as a secret group so that the only people who can see what we post are the people in the group.
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