Thursday, February 23, 2012

Military VA Loans/Homes for sale or rent a couple of sites to try

I have been asked recently a couple of times what I know about VA Loans, and the process. I have to be honest when answering this question and say not a whole lot. Yes we have done a VA loan, but we had a lot of help in the process. But since I have been asked about it, I decided I would do a little bit of research on it, and see if I could come up with a site to at least send people to. I found this link VA home loan rates, where you can go and they will give you a free quote. 

There were several other sites out there, but I found that link to be the easiest to navigate. Click here and check them out. 

Also if you are looking for a new home at your new duty station check out Zillow, they have homes for sale as well as rentals listed on there. I found a good selection for any of the places I tried. 

I hope this helps anyone who was asking me about this type of stuff! 

Follow me on Twitter at!/scienceesl

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