Ok so a little bit crazy is an understatement if I have ever said one. It is a lot crazy around here. All 5 kids are on a different set of schedules, with different things going on at all times (thank goodness I only have 3 kids of my own). Plus the kids all fight enough to make the sanest person on the planet slightly crazy. They all dont understand that they need to do a lot of give and take, and the extras don't understand that my three gave up a lot to have them move into the house with us, and my three don't quite get why we did it, and why they have to be the ones to give up so much. Part of the time I want to just scream at all of them to go to their rooms and not come out until they have to leave for school. But I don't. I control myself rather nicely I think. Except for last night when J was making obnoxious noises with his mouth and even after being asked to stop he didn't, so I put him out in the backyard for a few minutes until I was ready to not kill him (P and N had gone to the Evil Empire for shopping, but I called and told them that I had done it, they laughed).
There is the stress of my not having a job lined up here or there that pays enough money. There is the stress of not having a job even lined up with Lowes, and they cant promise that I will walk into a job as soon as we get there. I think we need to call the mortgage company about what we should do finacially to keep from completely loosing our hindends. Right now we are ok on the house payments, and car payments, but that is about all we are ok on. We are however, behind on everything else I think.
I wish we could go back in time to when I was making good money in England and slap ourselves around. I wish that we would have thought ahead and saved money, instead of spending it all on others. I loved that we had the money to help out friends, to feed the masses, to go out and do things. But when I look at some of the things we spent money on (I saw we, but I mean me for a big chunk of it), I want to go back in time and slap myself. I see now how I was being used for a ride from Alconbury to Lakenheath (at 100 miles per round trip, with two round trips per weekend)and back every weekend, and how I was being used for a place to stay at Lakenheath, and food to eat. And for what? What did I get out of it? I have one positive thing that came out of that particuliar friendship, that I would not give up for anything, but for the majority it was give give give, and I got hurt. I was hurt and lied to, and in the end lost the ability to trust.
Ok on to more positive thoughts to end this post. I don't want to end it on a downer, and I will worry about the money situation later.
At work today we found our mascot. We have this gray frog that has been around forever, or else one that looks like this one. I took pictures on my camera phone today, because well, he is our mascot. I remember seeing him the first time I worked in the nursery, and now he is still around.

Today in the mail I got a big box thanks to my sister in law Angela. She sent me an email a few weeks ago asking about Christmas presents for everyone. For myself I asked if she had read any good books lately, and that she could send me a good book to read. Today in the mail I got this:

Its a box of about 50 books that she ordered for me, and had sent here. :)
Niki bought Jerry a birthday cake for his birthday. More for the kids than for him, as Jerry does not do sweets. But we all enjoyed it. :)

Happy Birthday to Jerry!
I hope something opens up soon moneywise for you!
A big Yay to Anju for her generosity. :)
Some mascot - very interesting fellow. With a mascot like that you might appreciate my January 10th post on my blog.
Those may very well be the tallest birthday candles I've ever seen! I need to get some of those, so I stop burning my fingers trying to get them all lit!
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