DJ giving Stanley a ride
Another longer one of DJ giving Stanley a ride[/url] but this one has Jerry saying that he is getting the H#ll out of the way. :lol:
You have to have quick time too view them though. So just in case you don't have it here are a couple of the 36

And better late than never. Kelsey's concert. The video isnt all that great, and it is upside down because the camera phone was acting up.
Kelsey's concert
Today at work we got in another 300 Christmas Trees.

Oh and I put in my notice for this store, along with my availabilty date for the store in Georgia. My last day here will be the 27th of December :( . I figured that if I worked after Christmas then I will get paid for Christmas day. ;) Plus who really wants to move the weekend before the holiday and spend the holiday in a hotel? So we will stay here an extra week, and get to see the Bear when she is here. So we will all be living camping style. Ah the good old days of Team Redneck Camping, anyone else want to come join us?
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