My interview today was ok, I probably honested myself out of a job (a friend of mine's terminology). I told them honestly that if I got the job the kids and I would stay, but then move in June.

He did ask when I would be able to start if I was offered the job and I said the next day. LOL, so we will see. Its going to be a LONG 2 weeks, because he said not to expect to hear anything until at least the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, as they have an interview on that Monday to do first.
We got the second shipment of poinsettas in at work today, right before I was supposed to go home. I was able to help get them unwrapped and on racks, so hopefully they will get put away where they go, so the nursery specialist doesn't freak tomorrow. I love (sarcastic) the christmas tree

DJ has a Thanksgiving feast on Friday at school, so unless I am subbing I will be going to that.
Ok I am going to go eat dinner and then go to bed.
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