When I picked DJ up at school he was on the swings at the playground wearing these:

He picked them out of the treasure box for his prize today. Silly boy.
I also got a phone call about an interview for a position here in town today. P took a message and told her I was subbing today, so I am going to call on Tuesday, and see what it is about.
Jerry is on his way home for the weekend. I probably wont get to see him a whole lot because I am working at Lowes both Saturday and Sunday. I was only supposed to work on Sunday but the HR called this evening and asked if I could cover a shift tomorrow afternoon/evening. The money will be nice, and I was spoiled the past couple of weeks having the weekends off.
Just wanted to say THANK YOU for checking out my blog. I am curious...are you the bride in the photo? WOW-WEE you are one hot mama!
Hee hee I wish! Nope that is my SIL.
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