T minus 9 days and counting, until the roller coaster known as Jerry's cross training is complete. And let me tell you, I am ready for it to be OVER.
The seperation bit hasn't been to hard, yes being a single mom for the most part has been hard, but not something that I couldn't handle. It is the nonsense with the Billeting and Dorms, and the military not paying for jack diddly crud that has gotten to me.
That and I am just ready to figure out where we go from here. Just a few of the questions that are still unanswered are:
Are we all moving to Georgia at once at Christmas time?
Where in Georgia are we going to live?
What are we going to do about our house here?
I have to call tomorrow morning before I go to sub about an interview at a school here in town. While I know that if I got the job it would mean another 7 months doing the single mom thing, and 8 people in one house, it would be good money coming in during those 7 months, which would help us catch back up to a sane proposition money wise. I am not getting my hopes up over it though because its a position that I am not truely qualified to do, but it is one that I have experience doing.
Of course the children are all in the living room disagreeing with eachother as I am typing this, so that makes me ready for next month. ;) No most of the time the are fine, for 5 kids in one house. But they are all tired and need to go to bed, and that is when they start arguing more. I can do something about my two that are tired and grumpy, but the other two, well I can suggest that they go to bed, but I am not their parent, and it turns around to being "all the girls" fault, according to the boys. :insertrollingeyeshere:
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