Thirteen Things I dislike
1. Beets I used to like them when I was really little, but I don't any more.
2. Cooked spinach Something to do with when I was little my cousins teasing me that if I ate it I was going to look like Popeye 
3. People who smell like cigarette smoke. I don't mind if they smoke, I can even handle being around it, but when we are in an enclosed area and all I can smell is your cigarettes that you smoked before you came in. YUCK
4. Liars
5. Cheaters
6. Child Abusers
7. Women abusers
(ok so that four you could say I hate!)
8. Sci-fi movies even Star Wars
9. Goat cheese
10. horror movies
11. Gas prices
12. People who are not in education who try to tell educators how to do thier jobs.
13. Greedy people who have a lot, and will not help the less fortunate.
cooked spinach? Me's the texture of it all. And goat cheese? Can't get past the smell.
My 13 is posted, come join me?
Happy Thursday.
I'm with you on most of those, but I do like spinach if it is cooked right.
As for the educator thing, um, isn't that what parents are supposed to do?
Your non-favs on food---beets, spinach, goat cheese---are my favs. Different strokes...! Happy TT.
i HATE horror movies more than anything in the world! love beets, though. :)
I hate the smell of smoke too because I am highly allergic to it. Happy TT!
I love pickled beets, but will usually only eat fresh spinach. As for the rest of your list, I can relate.
Happy TT!
I love beets and spinach and sci-fi movies, but I'm with you on the rest.
In fact, I'd expand #12 to pretty much any professional field.
Im right with you on all of these EXCEPT the beets and spinach! :))
I hate all of these too, except spinach and beets. :) Love those.
I hate abusers too! Cigarette smoke too! Gas prices suck literally!!! Greedy people too! And I prefer raw spinach in salad.
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