This post is in honor of:

So this is my entry.
May 2006

This picture, which also happens to be my header for my blog, shows what motherhood means to me. This is a picture of 4 generations of our family. My maternal Grandparents, my parents, my brother Matt and his wife Angela (on their wedding day), and my family. The only person missing this day was my paternal Grandmother, who passed away on March 15th 2006, her presence was missed, but yet felt that day, as jewelery of hers was worn, and the couple dedicated a special tribute to each of the grandmothers that were not there.
Motherhood means to me, being there for your family. Accepting all of the trials and tribulations that your children give you. My mom was my rock when I found myself pregnant at 19, she was there when I had Kelsey, she called me last year when I had my surgery and talked me down from panicking when I was about to have my secondary surgery. Both of my grandmas have supported every decision that I have made in my life, and have been there for me, they may not have agreed with me, but they have let me make my own mistakes.
Motherhood for me means listening when your child needs to talk, needs a shoulder to cry on.
Motherhood means letting go and letting them learn from their own mistakes, but being there to pick up the pieces when they need you too.
Motherhood means late nights, and early mornings.
Motherhood means sloppy wet kisses, and big bear hugs.
Motherhood means knees in the back from your sleeping child.
Motherhood means 102 degree fevers, and a puking child.
Motherhood means watching the first school play, that your child pouts through from stage fright.
Motherhood means beaming with pride as your child plays in their first band concert.
Motherhood means listening to Mary had a little lamb being played 1000 times before you can decipher what song it is.
Motherhood means letting them do their school project that they have had a month to do, on the night before it is due, with as little grief as you can give them. ;)
Motherhood is the smile and the "MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!" with the running child that almost tackles you as you pick them up from preschool.
Motherhood is the teenage daughter that is excited when you show up to have lunch with her in the middle of her freshmen year of school, and introduces you to all of her friends.
That to me is what motherhood is about.
How Matt and Angela honored the Grandma's not here on earth on their wedding day:

Our last visit with my Grandma H.Thanksgiving 2005

My mom and my girls May 2007

My mom and DJ May 2007

1 comment:
oh Patty, you made me cry... I love the pictures of your grandmothers and your mom. Very beautiful.
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