Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Wordless Wednesday



Vhiel said...

what a sweet moment...

Can of Thoughts
Anything and Everything in Between

Anonymous said...

That IS a nice shot! Glad everyone looks so happy and loving

carmilevy said...

Oh, this is such a lovely shot. The dad in me just melts when I see scenes like this.

I've posted my WW contribution here, and hope you'll drop by for a look:

It isn't anywhere near as adorable as yours, but I hope it brings you a smile all the same.

Have a great Wordless Wednesday!

All the best,


Sandee said...

How beautiful. Have a great WW. :)

PamelaMKramer said...

That is really sweet! Happy WW.

PMKU said...

They were having a great time up in that tree. I hear there are plans for a tree house. LOL - Happy WW. Great shot you have posted.

Christie O. said...

isn't family the best??

Elizabeth O'Neal said...

You have a beautiful family!

Susannah said...

Precious kids! Happy memories.

Thanks for visiting Splash* today


Barb said...

Beautiful photo and captured moment.

Kmommy said...

What gorgeous children! :)