Today was a busy day. Luckily I woke up feeling 1000 times better than I did
Which was a really good thing, since I started teaching
3rd grade today.
Oh boy, what an adventure.
It is going to take some getting used to, that is for sure.
I felt like the timing was off all day today, like we didn't have enough time for anything!
The literacy coach came and did the poetry writers workshop with the class this morning, so that saved me there.
Then we went to music, I caught the tail end of that, and they were playing a Spanish themed song with rhythm sticks, and maracas, and a bongo. It was so neat watching them cha' cha'.
When we came back to the room, we had spelling, which I was trying to help them work out since it was contractions. I wanted to make sure that they knew what two words were combined were. So we came to the carpet, wrote all of the words on the board and the two words that were combined to make that word.
The next thing I knew it was time for Media Center.
When we came back it was time for poetry readers workshop. I read them
Sick by
Shel Silverstein, and another poem. Then we discussed what we know about poems already. I then let them get a partner and they went to read poems that I gave them, and looked to see if the poem that they had "fit" what we said a poem was.
Before I knew it, it was lunch time. Where did the last hour go?????
When we got back from lunch I did our new Read Aloud book,
The Trumpet of the Swan. I want to expand on this and make it more than just a read aloud book. I have found a couple of neat ideas for ways to do it on the net, I just need to find the time to fit it in.
After 15 minutes we had computer lab, where they were to do math work.
After computer lab, we were supposed to have break, but it was raining off and on all day, so we didn't get to go outside. Plus they were getting silly, so it took us a while to get out of the computer lab right away. So the time that they got to have a break was about 1/2 of what they were supposed to have.
Oh well.
Math time.
I am not sure that they know their multiplication facts as well as what the old sub believes.
Today we were working with multiplying by multiples of 10 and 100.
Which should have been easy.
But when you go into problems like 6 x 700, and they do not know what 6 x 7 is, you run into problems.
So I think we need to go back and revisit multiplication facts, so that I can figure out what they know and what they don't know.
Before I knew it, it was the end of the day. Whew!
I don't think we had enough time to cover anything the way I would have liked. So it is going to take some tweaking of it all, to get comfortable. The good thing about finishing out the year in the class, is that I can tweak it to my hearts content within certain limits.
Of course, Mondays are the "busy" days. We had specials like every day, plus media center and computer lab.
Jerry and I went out to Longhorn tonight and used my
gift card. My gift card was to Olive Garden, but could be used at any of the restaurants that are owned by the same company. Since Jerry doesn't like Olive Garden, and the closest one is in Macon anyway, I looked up where all we could go, and we went. We both had appetizers as our meal, and still left stuffed, plus that way the gift card covered all except 35 cents of our meal. We ended up running to Target to look around and grab a couple of things, since I had the 35 cents, but not much more, and since it was under $1 we couldn't use the debit. We got money and took the gal back a tip, because we felt bad. Jerry said she was shocked that he came back. It still wasn't much, but we felt bad that we had only given her the change that I had in my purse.
Don't forget about:

My entry for the What Motherhood means to me is
hereThey also have drawings up for
The Mother Factor here, and a
Kodak ESP 3 All-in-One Printer.